jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

A PIECE OF NEWS 2: Britain and China 'to co-operate'

Click on this link to get the complete of this piece of news.
I took this picture from the BBC news web site on January 22nd, 2009.This is a picture of the first Marks and Spencer store opens on mainland, Shangai.It’s in China it is in the Asia-Pacific.The people in the picture are looking the shelves and buying foot.
They are thoughtful because they know not to buy.
As you can see, there is a serious person because he is thinking what to buy.
I like it because the picture is funny.
Britain is to make improving relations with China a "major priority" in the years ahead, the foreign secretary is to announce.
In a new document, David Miliband says the UK will be "candid" when it disagrees with China, but will build a relationship based on co-operation.
The paper, published on Thursday, will stress the importance of economic ties between the two countries.
In a foreword the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, says that "Britain, Europe and the rest of the world can benefit from China's rise".
Britain's experience of "creating a society based on accountability, rule of law, and human rights", he says, is relevant to China as it goes through massive social change."
And he urges Beijing "to make progress in these areas".

2 comentarios:

sergio dijo...

hellooo !!!

Your blog is like Agusti's example the information is clear and the blog are okay !!!


lorena dijo...

Your blog is like Agusti's example
text and pictures are very funny!!